Vintovka - Soviet Rifle song (remake)


I swear, if I find a single comment along the lines of "this song makes me want to get a mosin and shoot down some nazis" I will take that as a violation of the N.A.P. The 3-line rifle M1891 (Russian: трёхлинейная винтовка образца 1891 года), colloquially known as Mosin–Nagant (Russian: Винтовка Мосина, ISO 9: Vintovka Mosina) is a five-shot, bolt-action, internal magazine–fed, military rifle developed by the Imperial Russian Army from 1882 to 1891, and used by the armed forces of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and various other nations. It is one of the most mass-produced military bolt-action rifles in history with over 37 million units having been made since its inception in 1891, and, in spite of its age, it has been used in various conflicts around the world even up to the modern day. Lyrics: (Russian) С юга до Урала Ты со мной шагала Партизанскою тропой. И врагов, бывало, Падало немало Там, где пробирались мы с тобой. Припев: Эх, бей, винтовка, метко, ловко, Без пощады по врагу! Я тебе, моя винтовка, Острой саблей помогу. Враг недаром злится: На замке граница. Не отступим никогда! Нет нам большей чести -- Остаёмся вместе В армии родимой навсегда. Припев: Мы готовы к бою С армией любою. Коль придется воевать, Будем биться двое -- Я и ты со мною, Вместе нам привычно побеждать. Припев: Lyrics (English) From the south to the Urals You walked with me Partisan path. And the enemies, A lot of Where we went with you. Chorus: Eh, hit, rifle, accurately, dexterously, Without mercy on the enemy! I to you, my rifle, I'll help you with a sharp sword. Enemy is not in vain angry: At the castle border. Do not ever give up! There is no greater honor for us - Stay together In the army you are born forever. Chorus: We are ready for battle With the army I love. Kohl will have to fight, We will fight two - I and you with me, Together we usually win. Chorus: