March of the Kornilov shock regiment- Russian White Army March


The Kornilov Division, one of the crack units of the White Army, was named after him, as well as many other autonomous White Army formations, such as the Kuban Cossack Kornilov Horse Regiment. The Kornilov Division became recognizable for its Totenkopf insignia, which appears on the division's flags, pennants, and soldiers' sleeve patches. Lyrics (Russian): Пусть вокруг одно глумленье, Клевета и гнёт, - Нас - корниловцев, презренье Черни не убьёт. Вперёд! На бой! Вперёд! На бой! На бой, кровавый бой! Русь поймёт, кто ей изменник, В чём её недуг, И что в Быхове не пленник Был, а верный друг. Вперёд! На бой! Вперёд! На бой! На бой, кровавый бой! За Россию и свободу, Если в бой зовут, То корниловцы и в воду И в огонь пойдут. Вперёд! На бой! Вперёд! На бой! На бой, кровавый бой! Верим мы: близка развязка С чарами врага, Упадёт с очей повязка У России - да! Вперёд! На бой! Вперёд! На бой! На бой, кровавый бой! Загремит колоколами Древняя Москва, И войдут в неё рядами Русские войска! Вперёд! На бой! Вперёд! На бой! На бой, кровавый бой! Вперёд! На бой! Вперёд! На бой! На бой, кровавый бой! Lyrics (English): Let around one mockery, Slander and oppression, - We are Kornilovites, contempt Cherney will not kill. Forward! To fight! Forward! To fight! To fight, bloody battle! Rus will understand who is her traitor, What is her disease, And that in Bykhov is not a prisoner Was, but a true friend. Forward! To fight! Forward! To fight! To fight, bloody battle! For Russia and freedom, If the fight is called, Then the Kornilovites and into the water And the fire will go. Forward! To fight! Forward! To fight! To fight, bloody battle! We believe: the denouement is close With the enchantment of the enemy, The bandage will fall from the eyes Russia - yes! Forward! To fight! Forward! To fight! To fight, bloody battle! Bells will rustle Ancient Moscow, And they will enter it in rows Russian troops! Forward! To fight! Forward! To fight! To fight, bloody battle! Forward! To fight! Forward! To fight! To fight, bloody battle!