Even Blurry Videos - Охотник/Night hunter (English cover)


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Hi! My name is Igor Sakharov. I record covers and original songs and edit videos by myself at home. Leave a comment, share and subscribe! The night was falling Bringing darkness and gloom Five friends were in the kitchen Having some beers All evening the rain kept drumming on the roof And the thunder rumbled terribly The party in the house was in full swing Nobody knew what had happened to Hunter Sebastian sleeping upstairs Whose face got all black Whose body aged fast Night hunter Night hunter Night hunter The storm was gone It started clearing up And the full moon showed up in the sky The men were having fun The party had now moved outside But suddenly there came a big loud roar And off its hinges flew the house door A giant grisly beast Jumped out and ran towards the folks Night hunter Night hunter Night hunter While the roosters crowed at dawn And the forest rustled on Down by the river lay Five dead bodies, cruelly torn The hunter woke up on the floor He took a look in the mirror And told himself with a smile "I slept like a baby last night" Night hunter Night hunter...