Even Blurry Videos - Ветер перемен (из к/ф "Мэри Поппинс, до свидания"/English metal cover)


#cover #evenblurryvideos из к/ф "Мэри Поппинс, до свидания" Boosty -
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Hi! My name is Igor Sakharov. I record covers and original songs and edit videos by myself at home. Leave a comment, share and subscribe! The world it spins Just like a merry-go-round The piercing winds They whirl above the ground The winds of loss and hurt, betrayal and evil They're always near They're everywhere Surrounding you and me They enter people's hearts Busting the doors in Shattering hopes and instilling fear Those whirling winds Those whirling winds For centuries the world's been spinning Round and round Every day and night And we learn that every single thing must pass Even the darkest of times But in this world, there is a wind of change That drives away all suffering and pain It will dispel the darkness and bring hope To those who wait, to those who wait For centuries the world's been spinning Round and round Every day and night And we learn that every single thing must pass Even the darkest of times When tomorrow comes The wind will change And unlike the winds before It'll be a warm and gentle summer breeze We've been waiting for It'll be a warm and gentle summer breeze We've been waiting for