Диана Анкудинова | Diana Ankudinova - Реченька (Rechenka) Полная версия (Full version)


#АнкудиноваДиана #ДианаАнкудинова #DianaAnkudinova #Анкудинова #Ankudinova #Reaction Date: May 12, 2018 Diana performed "Rechenka" as her third performance at a vocal competition for children from disadvantaged families who spent a significant part of their childhood without parental care, called "You are super". The song "Rechenka" (affectionate from the word "river") is a Russian folk ritual wedding song. There is a version that this song appeared before Christianity, and since early Christianity and paganism were closely intertwined, there are many versions of this song. It tells how an orphan girl comes to the river and prays to the spirits of nature. The song is about how my mother, father and brothers were killed by enemies, there is no one to take care of her. The river in Ancient Russia was considered the border between the world of the living and the dead. You hear an ominous whisper, it's the spirit of her late mother responding to the girl's crying. There are about 30 variants of this song, but the content of each of the variants is based on the sad appeals of the orphan bride to her deceased parents, asking them for "blessings" and help for marriage, for family, to strangers. There are other versions of this song, where the heroine appeals to her brothers and even to her parents with a call to return to earth in the form of a bird to her native home. At the end of the song, the girl sails away to a strange tribe, to a strange family. The roots of the song go back to ancient Russia, it is a very, very ancient folk folklore. Официальные каналы Дианы(Diana's Official Channels): YOUTUBE Official - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgbtr4QB6kk7WadvVoYk61g
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