Сметанные лепешки


Замечательные сметанные лепешки. Приготовьте, не пожалеете!!! Подробный РЕЦЕПТ ЗДЕСЬ -
500 г муки 140 г воды 5 г сухих дрожжей 5 г соли 75 г сахара 75 г сливочного масла 100 г сметаны (желательно 30%, но можно и менее жирную) Из этого количества ингредиентов у меня получилось 8 лепешек. По просьбе перевела рецепт на английский, если где ошиблась, поправьте))) For this recipe you will need: (for 8 pieces) 500 g flour 140 g of water 5 g of dry yeast 5 g of salt 75 g sugar 75 g of butter 100 g of 30% sour cream (you can use a lower fat) PREPARATION: Put the yeast in a little warm water, let stand for 5-7 minutes and then stir until dissolved. Add a portion of the total flour to get the dough consistency like thick porridge, this dough is not dripping, but lazily slides from a spoon. Cover and leave till the middle starts to move down (2-3 hours). Sift the remaining flour. Add to the flour salt, sugar, stir. Add soft, but not melted butter and sour cream. All grind into crumbs. Add the dough and mix all added to a homogeneous dense dough. In the process of kneading you may need to add a bit of water (if it remains dry flour) or flour (if dough is wet). After mixing cover the bowl and leave the dough to rest for 20 minutes. During this time, the flour will absorb the liquid and dough will be easier to knead. Knead rested dough until smooth and homogeneous (about 10 minutes). Cover and leave the dough to rise, it has to double or even triple in volume. Divide the dough into 8 equal parts. Shape each part into a smooth ball, cover and leave for 5-7 minutes to rest. During this time, gluten flour will relax, the dough will become softer and it will be easier to roll out. Roll out each ball to a thickness of 1-1,5 cm, cover and leave for 30 minutes - 40 to proof. Make punctures. For 5-7 minutes before baking grease with beaten egg yolk. Bake in a preheated 180°C oven until a beautiful intense golden - brown. Enjoy! #лепешки #сметанныелепешки #иринахлебникова