ИС-4 - Доверяйте себе - World of Tanks


Game Statistics: Map: Abbey Tank: IS-4 Player: MrGabbo_xD [CSVAP] Damage: 9078 Damage blocked by armor: 3830 Damage due to the player’s assistance: 428 The IS-4 is a Soviet tier 10 heavy tank. As t development of its Heavy Tank tech tree, the IS-4 goes for the more versatile "Jack-of-All-Trades/Master-of-None" approach to its in-game performance. Its gun is adequate for its tier, but is quite unimpressive in any single aspect such as accuracy or DPM. Its turret armor is quite strong frontally, but can be easily over-matched when shot through the exposed roof, where it is much weaker. Its hull armor is decent, boasting a tough all-around layout which gives the tank good side-scraping capabilities, but is relatively easy to punch through from the front, even if angled properly. Its mobility is totally different from its quick and nimble brother, the IS-7 with the IS-4 being very sluggish and slow by comparison. The IS-4 marks the end of its Soviet heavy line. Send your wot replays at: woftanksreplays(@)gmail.com - I accept the replays sent as a mail attachment that has not been uploaded to the wotreplays website. You will upload it to the wotreplays website, i accept the replays only link from privately (secret) uploaded wotreplays website (Make available by direct link only)