3 ×ÈÒÅÐÀ vs 20 ÈÃÐÎÊΠâ CS2! ft. @oblome, @OTRICAL


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ÒÃ Êàíàë ñ ðîçûãðûøåì ñêèíîâ -
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(Ïðèíèìàþ 1 ðàç!) OBLOME - https://www.youtube.com/@oblome/videos
OTRICAL - https://www.youtube.com/@OTRICAL/videos
×èò äëÿ CS2 Ìèäíàéò -
ÏÐÎÌÎÊÎÄ ÔÈÊÑ [ îò 14 + 5 äíåé; îò 30 + 8 äíåé] (Ñïåðâà ðåãèñòðèðóéñÿ ïî ññûëêå, òîëüêî ïîòîì ââîäè ïðîìîêîä!) Âñå Ìîè Êîíôèãè çà 100 -
Ïëåéëèñò ñ ìóçûêîé - https://vk.com/music/playlist/537280902_342_f2943856c6a31ab9bf
Ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî - https://vk.com/foxyadv
ÌÎÉ VK - https://vk.com/fixoid1337
#ôèêñ #ïðîâåðêàïàáëèêîâ #äîãëîáàëàññîôòîì Disclaimer: In accordance with the youtube policy on Circumvention of Technological Measures, the software's interface is not displayed in the video, nor is the proper software name shown in the video or description. It also does not feature any way to obtain any software, legitimately or illegitimately. The use of this software is meant for non official community servers, which does not evade the licensing protocol nor does it break the Terms of Service of the game "Counter Strike 2"