Олег Скрипка і Василь Попадюк - Джез в Торонто


Олег Скрипка і Василь Попадюк Оркестра - Джез експеримент 'тільке для Торонто' Oleh Skrypka with Vasyl Popadiuk & Band present Jazz. An experiment just for Toronto @ 2012 Toronto Ukrainian Festival. Friday Night Sept.14, 2012.
North America's Largest Ukrainian Street Festival, celebrating 16 years in the Bloor West Village from September 14th,15th, and 16th. 2012 *120th. Anniversary of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada 2012 Feature Performer from Ukraine, Oleh Skrypka & VV   / o.skrypka  
  / vopli  
Oleh Skrypka is a cult figure in Ukraine - a doer of good deeds, a rock legend and an ingenious stage performer. Skrypka continues his cultural mission by producing an ethnic music and arts festival, Kraina Mriy (Land of Dreams), which serves as a forum to integrate traditional Ukrainian culture into contemporary musical genres. The Ukrainian singer has been a leader of the popular alternative rock band Vopli Vidopliasova (VV) since it was founded in 1987. The Band will be celebrating its 25th anniversary this year at the main stage of Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival. Through an unforgettable musical journey, VV will spark hearts compelling their huge army of fans to sing with them in one voice. VV influences include folk, patriotic songs, punk, hard rock, heavy metal and, most recently, electronic music . Vasyl Popadiuk The journey for Vasyl Popadiuk from Ukraine to Toronto has been one of musical adventure, starting at Kyiv's Lysenko school for gifted children at the tender age of 7, and continuing at Ukraine's national Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music from age 18. Vasyl Popadiuk's father, himself a renowned composer and pan flute player, dreamt of his son following in his footsteps as a flutist but at the age of four Vasyl Jr chose to play the piano. By age six he had discovered and fallen in love with the violin — an outcome predicted by a stranger before his birth — that love has remained steadfast through the years. Popadiuk has toured with many prestigious troupes, including Ukraine's Hopak National Ensemble, Kyiv's Gypsy Music Theatre Company, and the Nazarov Music Theatre Company of Moscow with whom he performed for many international dignitaries including the late King Hussein of Jordan. He was asked to accompany Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife as part of the cultural entourage during a state visit to Spain where he performed for Queen Sofia. His many fans include Don Was, Tom Cochrane, Ian Gillan (whose solo album Vasyl was asked to play on) and Jesse Cook. In the past he often appeared as special guest to Mediterranean guitarist Pavlo in Canada, the U.S., and the UK. More recently he has made several appearances as special guest for world-music guitarist Jesse Cook, and has been special guesting for celebrated Canadian tenor John McDermott in Toronto last summer. His tour also included stops in Miami, Nashville, New York and Moscow. For more information about Vasyl Popadiuk please visit
Василь Попадюк Шлях Василя Попадюка з України до Торонто був шляхом музичної пригоди, яка розпочалась в 7-річному віці у Київській музичній школі імені Лисенка для обдарованих дітей і продовжилась у 18 років в Національної консерваторії України імені Чайковського. Батько Василя, відомий сопілкар і керівник знаменитих «Троїстих музик», мріяв, що син піде по його дорозі і теж стане сопілкарем, але той з 4-ох років почав грати на піаніно. А в 6 років взяв у руки скрипку — і закохався в неї на все життя.