Побочный эффект от лечения таргетным препаратом Tagrisso/ Lung Cancer/ Side Effects


#lungcancer #artist #onkologie #lungencarzenome #художник #cancerawareness I have some side effects after taking Tagrisso. In this video I am trying to tell about it. About me - [ ] I am an Artist and Teacher based in Vienna, AUSTRIA. Over the years I have received commissions from a broad range of clients including public companies and private collectors. I have also exhibited my work at the Galleries, Artists Open Houses and Art Fairs across the country. Since 2022 I was diagnosed with Lung Cancer STAGE 4. Donations will be very appreciated: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/ranojon
I am also on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rano_art_decor/
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ranozuhr
on Etsy:

Links: about lung cancer
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