Умирает отчизна моя (My Fatherland is Dying) - Russian White Army Song


Hello, Imperia here! If you liked the song don't forget to subscribe and like the video! If I made any mistake or did something wrong comment it down below so I can fix it in future videos. Have a great day! I don't know a lot about this song, just that it was a poem made by Sergey Bekhteev in December 1917 in the city of Yelets. This poem is a monerchist one that talks about the disgraceful end of The Russian Empire after the beggining of the Russian Civil War. The Cyrillic, English and Romanized lyrics were made by @outrun7615 and @bruh_ryat if it weren't for them (and also for @Jidununna the chanel where I found this song) this video wouldn't be possible. Thank you so much for the three of you. Cyrillic Lyrics: Умирает отчизна моя: Нет спасенья, ужасен недуг, Злую радость в душе затая, Смотрят недруги злобно вокруг. Расплелась золотая коса, Распаялся алмазный венец; От страданий угасла краса; С плеч свалился державный багрец. Измождённое тело в крови; И в безпамятстве бредя войной, Умирает она без любви, Без приюта, без ласки родной. Скоро, скоро умолкнет она, И погаснет улыбка очей. Для последнего, вечного сна, Без желаний, без слёз, без речей. Умирает отчизна моя: Нет спасенья, смертелен недуг. Злую радость в душе затая, Смотрят недруги злобно вокруг. Умирает отчизна моя; Умирает отчизна моя; Умирает отчизна моя; Смотрят недруги злобно вокруг. Romanized Lyrics: Umirayet otczyzna moya: Net spassenya, ujassen nedug, Zluyu radost vie duse zataya, Smotryat nedrughi zlobno vokrug. Rasplelas zolotaya kosa, Raspayalsya almazny venets; Ot stradanius ugasla krasa; S plec svalilsya derzhavny bagrets. Izmozhdennoye telo vie krovi; Yi vie bezpamyatstvoye bredea voynoy, Umirayet ona bez lubevie, Bez priyuta, bez laski rodnoy. Scoro, scoro umolknet ona, Yi pogasnet ulybka ochey. Dla poslednego, vechnogo sna, Bez zhelanyi, bez sleuze, bez rechey. Umirayet otczyzna moya: Net spassenya, smertelen nedug. Zluyu radost vie duse zataya, Smotryat nedrughi zlobno vokrug. Umirayet otczyzna moya; Umirayet otczyzna moya; Umirayet otczyzna moya; Smotryat nedrughi zlobno vokrug. English Lyrics: My Fatherland Is Dying: There is no salvation, terrible sickness, Evil joy in the soul, Enemies look viciously around. A golden scythe spun, The diamond crown was soldered; Beauty faded from suffering; A mighty crimson fell off his shoulders. An exhausted body in the blood; And in unconsciousness raving about war, She dies without love, No shelter, no affection native. Soon, soon she will fall silent, And the smile of the eyes will go out. For the last, eternal dream, No desires, no tears, no speeches. My Fatherland Is Dying: There is no salvation, the disease is fatal. Evil joy in the soul, Enemies look viciously around. My Fatherland Is Dying; My Fatherland Is Dying; My Fatherland Is Dying; Enemies look viciously around.