Red Army Choir - March of Memories (Alternate Version)


"March of Memories" is a Soviet-era love song, about a Soviet soldier pledging to remember various things about his lover. In the Crimson Dawn universe, this song is still prominently played and sung in the New USSR, and was notably one of Premier Latyeskov's favorites. Some speculate it's a song that reminds him of his former lover, Katyusha Mayakova, who [REDACTED]. Featured is the Flag of the New USSR:
(The following lyrics were submitted by Alias Elysum) Russian Lyrics: Глянул в небо грозовое молодой трубач Расстаемся мы с тобою ты не плачь Есть за тучею огромной неба синева Ах как нужны нам в этот век суровый нежные слова Вот он настал миг прощанья Любить и ждать обещай мне Ты улыбнись мне на счастье Твои глаза запомню я Пройду я холод и ветер, превозмогу всё на свете Я буду жить, я бессмертен пока ты ждёшь, любовь моя Не печалься заклинаю я тебя люблю Всё я выдержу родная всё стерплю Будет нужно я бесстрашно встречу жаркий бой Со мной мой дом земля родная наша И твоя любовь Вот он настал миг прощанья Любить и ждать обещай мне Ты улыбнись мне на счастье Твои глаза запомню я Пройду я холод и ветер превозмогу всё на свете Я буду жить, я бессмертен пока ты ждешь, любовь моя Вот он настал миг прощанья Любить и ждать, обещай мне Ты улыбнись мне на счастье Твои глаза запомню я Пройду я холод и ветер превозмогу всё на свете Я буду жить я бессмертен пока ты ждешь, любовь моя English Translation: Into the stormy sky looked the young trumpeter. We will remain with you, so don’t you cry. Under the white clouds there is a blue sky. Oh how we need tender words in this difficult time. Here has come, the moment of farewell Promise me to love and wait, Your smile brings me happiness, Your eyes, I will remember. I will go through the cold and through storms, and overcome all in this world, I will live, I will remain immortal as long as you wait for me, my love! Do not be sad, I love you. Everything I will survive and overcome If need be I will fearlessly meet the fierce battle. With me is my home, our motherland And your love! Here has come, the moment of farewell Promise me to love and wait, Your smile brings me happiness, Your eyes, I will remember. I will go through the cold and through storms, and overcome all in this world, I will live, I will remain immortal as long as you wait for me, my love! Here has come, the moment of farewell Promise me to love and wait, Your smile brings me happiness, Your eyes, I will remember. I will go through the cold and through storms, and overcome all in this world, I will live, I will remain immortal as long as you wait for me, my love!