JoLang Reaction to "Pray for me, my friend" performed by Yulia Berezova


Hello, JoLang is here again, and today I want to introduce you to the Song "Pray for me, my friend" performed by Yulia Berezova. A musical performance that instantly captivates the listener, which is really rare. Although we have already heard some of Yulia's songs and seen her performances, we humbly recognize from the outset the balanced, appropriately subtle staging that she has always been able to draw from her rich artistic repertoire. The brilliance of Yulia's voice, but also the instrumentalists, showed the highest level of artistic understanding. Harmony is always in the foreground, it's just fantastic and compelling. Let's hug and love each other and listen to this warmly song. The words and the heavenly voice of this song sparkle and radiate a heavenly light, stronger than the brightest star, radiating from Russia and spreading throughout the world. This light is so strong and omnipresent that it penetrates the dark energy that invades the land from all sides and advances from itself. Just before falling asleep, they pray to the Lord. Their thoughts revolve around their distant, loved ones in their Russian homeland. They long for them so much that they shed a few tears and sink into a deep sleep they deserve. Thank you for sharing this enlightening moment with me, and thanks again to all who commented on my posts. By, By, see you soon, JoLang #johann_langgartner #jolang_aut Yulia Berezova, Orthodox author, composer and performer. Laureate of republican and Russian competitions, honorary guest of the Holy Rus' festival. She worked as a regent of choirs of Orthodox churches, taught at theological seminaries, Sunday, music, and general education schools. Died in a car accident on January 16, 2015. Юлия Березова, Православный автор, композитор и исполнитель. Лауреат республиканских и российских конкурсов, почетный гость фестиваля «Русь Святая». Работала регентом хоров православных храмов, преподавала в духовной семинарии, воскресных, музыкальных, общеобразовательных школах. Погибла в автокатастрофе 16 января 2015 г.