A person's Love CALL to Contact | Activate the law of ATTRACTION | Will call or Write


Just listen and very soon the person will get in touch! This is a special video program - sound therapy, which, with the help of the mandala of love, cosmoenergetic music and full concentration on the object, activates the law of attraction. When you listen to a video session and concentrate on a person, you are sending a powerful request to the universe. And the universe, in turn, fulfills it! After all, everything we think about and desire, we get in our life. This is the law of the universe! The call works if it is done correctly. Keep the image of the person in your head and listen to the video session to the end! Faith is a powerful energy. You need to believe that soon a person will get in touch. In order for the call to really work, you need to watch it every day. Approximately 12 days. That's how much it takes to program your subconscious. This challenge works for everyone - both men and women. The challenge works for everyone! You will succeed. Love to you! Remember: If you create excessive importance, you will not be able to call a person to contact. If you're sure it won't work, that's how it will be. After all, everything we are convinced of is happening! The video uses: mandala of love, crystal of invocation, cosmoenergetic music, vibrations of the matter of the subtle world! The use of headphones is recommended. For more great chakra healing music, please subscribe to our channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2dnosEt5WLRNqh20_7j5qw?sub_confirmation=1
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Music used: What happens when we die by Savfk - www.youtube.com/@savfkmusic The song "What Happens When We Die" belongs to the artist Savfk. Original music by Savfk (www.youtube.com/savfkmusic www.facebook.com/savfkmusic) The music in this video is licensed under a ‘Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)’. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/