Even Blurry Videos - Хозяин леса (English cover)


#корольишут #cover #evenblurryvideos Original by Король и Шут Boosty -
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Hi! My name is Igor Sakharov. I record covers and original songs and edit videos by myself at home. Leave a comment, share and subscribe! I've got a knife Got a crossbow here They have served me For a whole thousand years And I have these woods This is my home It's a place I can call my own The clouds floating Over the crowns of the trees Know if I shoot I am not going to miss My human years have been wiped away I have learnt to live another way The man I used to be is gone Now his body's home to a demon Neverending torment, eternal boredom Now all the spirits, from fairies to ghouls They simply call me the Master of the woods And all of these creatures They faithfully serve me They've come to respect me Over all these centuries I summon my flesh with a powerful spell I still see the same hunter in me very well And the green blood brings him back to life But that beating heart is no longer mine All the leprechauns, satyrs All creatures alive People, wolves and bears And even vampires Recognize my power They show me respect Cause nobody wants to end up dead Neverending torment, eternal boredom Now all the spirits, from fairies to ghouls They simply call me the Master of the woods And all of these creatures They faithfully serve me They've come to respect me Over all these centuries