фото: Blue Rose Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me

deepskyobject • 17-10-2024  

Описание: "Blue rose" cases are basically X-files before there was a TV show with that name. A blue rose isn't found anywhere in nature—it's botanically impossible. Gordon therefore uses the term "Blue Rose Case" for investigations that have unexplainable and supernatural qualities. All we know for sure is that he disappeared. In the script, he's seen vanishing after picking up the Owl Cave ring under the Chalfont/Tremond trailer. But, in the film, it freeze frames and cuts away just as he touches the ring, and it's only confirmed later by Albert that he's disappeared. Since the ring and the Chalfont/Tremonds are involved, it's assumed he was taken to the Lodge. Someone mentioned elsewhere that it has been suggested, or that it was known, that Teresa Banks' murder scene was shot inside the Chalfont's trailer. So maybe that's how the ring ended up underneath it. (Although the trailer looked pretty small in the movie, and the scene where TB is killed looked like it was taking place in a larger space.) This one's a little hard to condense, but essentially: Phillip Jeffries (Bowie's character) is an FBI agent who disappeared on a case in Buenos Aires in 1987 and reappears in 1989. The full scene from The Missing Pieces shows him going from the hotel in 1987 to the FBI headquarters in 1989 in an instant. But, in this "instant" he actually travels through space and time multiple times. He travels from the past (1987) to an unknown point in the future where Cooper's doppelganger/BOB is out in the world (hence the "Who do you think that is there?" line to Cooper), back to the present (1989) and then back to the past (1987) again. At some point, he witnessed the meeting of the Lodge spirits above the convenience store, which he tries to explain to Gordon before he disappears. It's also implied that Jeffries was sent specifically to track down the ring and/or the Lodge spirits. He talks about attending "one of their meetings" as if Cole should know what he's talking about. Since he helped "investigate" the construction site for Listening Post Alpha with Cole in the mid-1980s, it can be assumed that he and Cole have had a long history with Twin Peaks and the mysterious forces at work there. It seems as if Cole neglected to mention to Cooper that he had been to this town, much less that he has a stake in the presence in the woods that surround it. I'm curious to see if this will be explored in Season 3. It would be pretty cool if we finally got to see LPA where Major Briggs worked. #twinpeaks #lynch


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