фото: bike ride in Novosibirsk, dedicated to the Russian Day of the athlete (17)

Dmitry KaryshevNovosibirsk • 08-08-2015  

Описание: The event is held to promote sport and healthy lifestyles, as well as informing residents about sports schools, sections and clubs of our city. The organizers – the Department of culture, sports and youth policy of the Novosibirsk mayor's office, the Department of physical culture and sports hall, MAU "Stadium". In the program of the festival "City of Champions" – demonstration performances of athletes, games, contests, performances of creative groups, as well as competitions of pupils of sports schools in various disciplines: armsport, volleyball, judo, crossfit, bear fight "Tolcon", skateboarding, street basketball, weightlifting, Taekwondo ITF, football, chess.


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