ôîòî: Nord 1500-02 Griffon II ‘I’

Alan WilsonArrondissement du Raincy • 12-07-2022  

Îïèñàíèå: c/n 02 The Griffon was an experimental mixed-power interceptor. The first prototype, the Griffon I, first flew in September 1955 but was only fitted with a turbojet and was mostly used for aerodynamic and systems trials. The second prototype had both SNECMA turbojet and Nord ramjet engines which had a combined thrust of 22,900 pounds-force. It first flew on 23rd January 1957 and in February 1959 it broke the world record for a 62mile closed-circuit course, setting a speed of 1,021mph. On 5th October that year it set a world speed record of 1,440mph, before reaching a maximum recorded speed of Mach 2.19 at 50,000ft a week later. It last flew in June 1961 and is now on display in the fascinating Prototypes Hall (Hall 7) at the Mus'ee de l'air et de l'espace. Le Bourget Airport, Paris, France. 12th July 2022


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