Описание: History of the Hungarians. Cronicle, originally before AD 972. (Tarih-i Ungurus): In the second half of AD 4th century, two sabir-hungarian prince, Hunor and Magor christianized. Hunor married the daughter of the hunnish ruler (probable Balamber, just crossing the Volga river) and became the ruler of the Hungarian-Sabir Empire. CONNO: The Hungarian Saint Crown was probably made at the end of the 4th century. Mahmud Terc"uman (Sebold von Pibrach, son of Jacob von Pibrach, Wien, 1510 – Prague, 1575.04.03) during the occupation of Hungary by the Turkish Empire served as the interpreter of Suleiman the Magnificent. In 1543, when the Royal Library of Sz'ekesfeh'erv'ar, Hungary was burned by the turks, Mahmud Terc"uman discovered, saved a cronicle written in latin (History of the Hungarians), translated it from latin to turkish and presented it to Suleiman the Magnificent. Later V'amb'ery 'Armin (1832-1943) found it in an Istanbul bazar. V'amb'ery presented it to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1860. Originally, in the 10th century, the cronicle was probably translated from old Hungarian to latin. Terc"uman was prisoned in Venice for some time, died in 1575 as taking a diplomatic enterprise in Prague. According to 'Acs P'al ('ACS P'al: Osztr'ak 'es magyar reneg'atok mint szult'ani tolm'acsok: Mahm'ud 'es Mur'ad terdc"um'an - magyar-irodalom.elte.hu/palimpszeszt/10_szam/05.htm) the austrian Terc"uman and the hungarian Somlyai Bal'azs (Mur'ad) probably were captured by the turks in the battle of Moh'acs. Somlyai Bal'azs could be the consultant of Terc"uman. Adam Neuser stayed for some in the house of Mahm'ud. Hu: A c'imlapon egy kor'abbi tulajdonos, Muhammed Amin Abu l-Isad T"ust"urz'ade neve olvashat'o, valamint egy m'asik bejegyz'es amely szerint a k'ezirat Rasid"u l-Ungurusi kez'ebe ker"ult. Ut'obbi n'ev (Magyarorsz'agi Ras'id) m"og"ott V'amb'ery 'Armin rejt"ozik. Sources: Sud'ar Bal'azs: Elveszett "oskr'onika t"or"ok"ul? El"oad'as. mtabtk.videotorium.hu/hu/recordings/8648/elveszett-oskron... Nagy Sz"ulejm'an udvari ember'enek magyar kr'onik'aja. A Tarih-i Ungurus 'es kritik'aja. Ford'itotta 'es a bevezet"o tanulm'anyt 'irta: Hazai Gy"orgy. Budapest, 1996. Akad'emiai Kiad'o. Kany'o Ferenc: Eltitkolt "oskr'onika? tenyleg.com Grandpierre K. Endre: T'arih-i "Ung"ur"usz. Egy ezer 'eve bujdos'o magyar "osgeszta titokzatos t"ort'enet'enek peranyaga. In: "Uzenet 'es titok. Szellemi szabads'agharcunk k'ezik"onyve. Budapest, 1995. Titokfejt"o K"onyvkiad'o A magyarok t"ort'enete. Magyarorsz'ag t"ort'enete: T'arih-i "Ung"ur"usz vagyis "Ung"ur"usz t"ort'enete. Magyar t"ort'enet: Macar T'arih-i vagyis Madzsar T'arih-i [ford'itotta, a jegyzeteket 'es az ut'osz'ot 'irta Blaskovics J'ozsef] [az el"osz'ot 'irta Vass El"od]. Budapest, 1982. Magvet"o Kiad'o. Mahm'ud Terdzs"um'an: Magyarorsz'ag t"ort'enete: T'arih-i "Ung"ur"usz vagyis "Ung"ur"usz t"ort'enete. Magyar t"ort'enet: Macar T'arih-i vagyis Madzsar T'arih-i. Az 1740. 'evi N'evtelen. [a k'et munk'at t"or"ok k'eziratb'ol ford'itotta, a jegyzeteket 'es az ut'osz'okat 'irta Blaskovics J'ozsef] [Az el"osz'or 'irta 'es a k"otetet szerkesztette: Ge"oncze"ol Gyula]. Cleveland, 1988. II. Nagy Szittya T"ort'enelmi Vil'agkongresszus. Mahmud Terc"um'an (his name in english translation: Mahmud, the Interpreter, born: Sebold von Pibrach) Wien, 1510 – Prague, 1575.04.03.) interpreter of Suleiman the Magnificent, diplomat, translator of “The History of Hungarians”. He spoke german and latin. He was the expert of Hungarian and Transylvanian cases.
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