фото: Pa amb Sobrassada

Описание: Sobrassada La sobrasada (del mallorqu'in sobrassada) es un embutido crudo curado, elaborado a partir de carnes seleccionadas del cerdo, condimentadas con sal, piment'on y pimienta negra. Se embute en tripa y presenta una lenta maduraci'on. Este producto es tradicional de Mallorca y las Islas Baleares, y est'a protegido con el sello de Indicaci'on Geogr'afica. En la cocina mallorquina tradicional, la sobrasada suele consumirse el mismo d'ia de matanza o poco despu'es: tostada en invierno, o untada en pan y cruda en verano. Aunque pueden durar varios a~nos en un lugar seco, lo habitual es consumir la longaniza durante el primer invierno, la sobrasada en verano, y las m'as grandes cuando se hace la matanza del a~no siguiente. Historia Este producto surge a partir de la necesidad de guardar los alimentos durante largos periodos de tiempo, utilizando las t'ecnicas del salado para embutir carne picada. El origen de su nombre se encuentra en Sicilia, donde se practicaba una t'ecnica conocida como sopressa, que significa "picado", aplicado a la carne para embutir. De esta zona, pas'o a la pen'insula Ib'erica gracias al comercio mar'itimo, y de Valencia se expandi'o hasta Mallorca, donde ve su mayor desarrollo a partir del siglo XVI. Aunque en las primeras sobrasadas se prima el cerdo, al poco tiempo se introduce el uso de piment'on como signo distintivo para la conservaci'on de los alimentos, ya que la carne adquiere su color rojo caracter'istico. Con el paso del tiempo el proceso de elaboraci'on se perfecciona, y en 1993 el Gobierno balear reconoce la Denominaci'on Espec'ifica para la sobrasada mallorquina. En 1996, la Uni'on Europea le otorga el sello de Indicaci'on Geogr'afica. Ingredientes Cada familia y pueblo elaboraba su propia receta en base a sus costumbres y peculiaridades al ser un producto de matanza. Sin embargo, existen unas caracter'isticas espec'ificas reguladas por la Denominaci'on Espec'ifica mallorquina: un 60% de carne magra por un 30%-40% de tocino, 20-30 gramos de sal por kilo de pasta, 60 gramos de piment'on por kilo, y pimienta picante u otras especias al gusto de cada uno. Cuando es m'as grasa, suele tener m'as piment'on. El alimento es natural, por lo que la Denominaci'on de origen prohibe expresamente el uso de colorantes. Elaboraci'on El proceso consta de dos fases diferenciadas. En la primera se elabora el propio embutido, que consta de las etapas de picado de la carne de cerdo, mezclada con los otros ingredientes y el embutido en las tripas. En la segunda, se produce la maduraci'on y desecado del producto. El picado tradicional se hac'ia a mano pero con la mejora de la producci'on se realiza mec'anicamente, con una m'aquina trituradora programada para lograr part'iculas inferiores a los 6 mil'imetros. Despu'es, la carne es sazonada y se le a~naden las especias. La masa se embute en las tripas, y se somete a un proceso de curaci'on en los secaderos. Una vez finalizado, la sobrasada se presenta en forma de longaniza con una textura untuosa. En relaci'on a las caracter'isticas de la tripa o el envase utilizado se distinguen las siguientes presentaciones de Sobrasada de Mallorca: longaniza, rizada, semirizada, cular, bufeta, bisbe, poltr'u o tarrina. ==================================== Sobrassada Sobrassada is a raw, cured sausage from the Balearic Islands made with ground pork, paprika and salt and other spices. Sobrassada, along with botifarr'o are traditional Majorcan sausage meat products prepared in the laborious but festive rites that still mark the autumn and winter pig slaughter in Majorca. The chemical principle that makes sobrassada is the dehydration of meat under certain weather conditions (high humidity and mild cold) which are typical of the late Majorcan autumn. Ingredients and varieties Sobrassada is made with a choice of pork loin, pork bacon (xuia), minced and mixed with paprika, salt and (in modern times) black pepper. Some makers also add cayenne pepper to the mixture and market it as picant, hot. Then the mixture is put into a pork intestine, and hung from a pole for some weeks until it is cured. The string which is tied around the intestine can be used to differentiate between the hot and dolc (literally "sweet", though in this case meaning "not spicy") varieties, the red or red and white string being the hot one. Small, thin sobrassadas are called llonganissa, and are made from the small intestine. Bigger and thicker ones are called cular or pultrums, and the largest type are huge pork bladders called bufetes. Sobrassada outside the Balearic islands Four geographical areas in the Mediterranean, apart from the Balearic islands, have close links to sobrassada for different reasons: 1.- In colonial Algeria, sobrassada was part of the pied-noir cuisine and extremely popular. The French version was named soubressade. Upon the independence and re-islamisation of the country this pork product became less and less important and can today only be found in continental France in butcher shops run by pied-noirs. 2.- In Catalonia, due to cultural links with the Balearic islands, sobrassada is sometimes found together with other autochthonous pork products. The eastern Pyrenees are known for a mountain version of sobrassada. 3.- The village of T`arbena, in the province of Alicante, was re-populated after the expulsion of the Moriscos with colonists from Majorca who brought along several traditions from the island, including their own variant of the Catalan language and foods such as the sobrassada, which is still being made there in the same way. 4.- In the island of Sicily, either a predecessor or a contemporary product is found under the name sopressada at least since the 15th century. There is debate over exactly where the product originated. Short history of sobrassada and Mallorquin penchant for pork Other pork products typical from the cuisine of Mallorca are cama"iot, veria negra and xuia (pancetta). After centuries of Muslim (non-pork) culture, Mallorca quickly returned to pork consumption in the Middle Age, with the key ingredient paprika added after the discovery of America in the 15th century. Sobrassada is thought to have originated and expanded, as a culinary concept, in the Catalan-controlled Western Mediterranean (Sicily, Balearic Islands, Sardinia) after the 14th century, as different forms of the same product persist in this region still today. In a traditional Mediterranean diet, containing little meat, as Mallorca had until the 1950s, sobrassada and its affiliated pork sausages were usually the main and exclusive pork meat source for Mallorquins. Larger meat cuts like pork or lamb roasts, pork steaks or beef cuts were largely a festive dish, or restricted to the well-off. Even today dishes such as porcella rostida, a whole roasted suckling pig, are only served on special occasions.


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