фото: Awaiting IDS

Alan StantonLondon • 02-03-2012  

Описание: 2 March 2012. Demonstrators against The Coalition Government's Workfare Scheme protest outside the former Tottenham Town Hall, now sadly, a church, instead of remaining as a Civic Building and focus for the whole Tottenham community. Zena and I were invited to what was billed as a "seminar" with Iain Duncan Smith, the Tory Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. He's responsible for bringing in the Coalition Government's Welfare Deforms, including a Workfare Scheme. Mr Duncan Smith told BBC Radio 4 that everyone loves his scheme. "The only people who don't love it are a bunch of anarchists and a few unions, as far as I can make out. And they're completely out of touch" In the meeting Mr Duncan Smith came across as impeccably polite and concerned for people's welfare. And genuinely convinced that the changes he's introducing are entirely sensible and reasonable. So it's odd that he feels it necessary to disparage the views of people who disagree with him using an ad hominem argument. As they say in football, he's tackling the players instead of the ball. _________________________ See where this picture was taken.


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