фото: Potholes: Reform Row Tottenham N17

Alan StantonHaringey • 01-03-2020  

Описание: As we all know, potholes in "the wild" should be left untouched. Not only do they make cycling and driving more challenging and varied, but they never get any larger. Instead they gradually fill themselves. (At zero cost to elected local Councils.) A natural pothole filler blend gradually tops-up each cavity. It's composed of airborne dust particles, worn brake-lining, natural tyre-wear, fragments of small stones, and a paste of animal and insect parts. All assisted to mix and bake by rain and sunshine. Wheels of vehicles pounding the roadway then force the filler into an enormously strong and virtually unbreakable bonded amalgam. Early on, the new filling is quickly and naturally smoothed by vehicle action until it exactly matches the level of the existing road surface. This new surface resembles a granite-like brick with the look, beautiful texture and tensile properties of York Stone or the finest Italian marble. It lasts for many hundreds of years. _________________________________________ I hope it's obvious that what I've written is ridiculous. And the direct opposite of what actually happens. It's far more likely that someone from Haringey Council - or on its behalf - will measure the depth of potholes and pronounce many of them too shallow to patch and fill. They'll be left to trap bicycle wheels, twist ankles, and deteriorate further. Vehicle wheels will grind and loosen the road surface, spraying small stones in all directions. Are both the damage to road surfaces and the overall cost likely to increase?


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