
upyernoz • 17-08-2008  

Описание: i didn't know what this meant when i saw it. the bumper sticker was on a poll near the jaffa gate of the old city. i sent the picture to my friend og, who explains as follows: "The design is clearly political - it looks like the 'Peace now' sign, just with 'Return' (Tshuva) instead of 'Peace.' However, it is not political. 'Tshuva' usually means 'Return to Religion,' meaning the sticker is calling for secular or traditional Jews to become Ultra-Orthodox (the Hebrew for it would be 'lahzor ba-tshuva'). 'Return' in the sense of immigration would be 'Shvut' (from the same root) - interestingly, for the Palestinians' demand of 'return' another word from the same root is used: 'Shiva' (which is also how I would translate 'return' in most cases)."


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