фото: USAF B-52H-150-BW

Robert Sullivan • 15-05-2019  

Описание: Aircrew from the 23rd Expeditionary Bomb Squadron wait to board a U.S. Air Force Boeing B-52H-150-BW "Stratofortress" (s/n 60-0037) "Stratofortress" "Wham Bam II" on May 15, 2019, at Andersen Air Force Base. ......................................................................................... The B-52H had the same crew and structural changes as the B-52G. The most significant upgrade was the switch to TF33-P-3 turbofan engines which, despite the initial reliability problems (corrected by 1964 under the Hot Fan program), offered considerably better performance and fuel economy than the J57 turbojets.[165][244] The ECM and avionics were updated, a new fire control system was fitted, and the rear defensive armament was changed from machine guns to a 20 mm M61 Vulcan cannon (later removed in 1991–94).[243] The final 18 aircraft were manufactured with provision for the ADR-8 countermeasures rocket, which was later retrofitted to the remainder of the B-52G and B-52H fleet.[247] A provision was made for four GAM-87 Skybolt ballistic missiles. The aircraft's first flight occurred on 10 July 1960, and it entered service on 9 May 1961. This is the only variant still in use by the USAF.[6] A total of 102 B-52Hs were built. The last production aircraft, B-52H AF Serial No. 61-0040, left the factory on 26 October 1962.


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