фото: Red Green Yellow

Sergey TchernyakovKosa • 03-07-2018  

Описание: Smalltown Baltiysk at Vistula spit, baltic seaport in Kaliningrad's region between Lithuania and Poland. Baltiysk was originally the site of an old prussian fishing village [est. 13th century]. The village was named as "Pile" or "Pil" in several documents, possibly taking its name from pils the Old Prussian language word for fort. It was eventually conquered by the Teutonic Knights, with the name evolving into the German form of Pillau. The town is located on the northern part of the Vistula Spit [former K"onigsberg province], on the shore of the Strait of Baltiysk separating the Vistula Lagoon from Gda'nsk Bay.


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