фото: On the way to Old Talc Quarry, Sysert

Copper Kettle • 26-07-2015  

Описание: I dropped my camera case through a crack in that bridge. "We went along a bridge that curved its spine, superbly sinuous and serpentine". And partly flooded. (0: Luckily, I fished the case out. (0: I like this photo of a pair of fellow bicyclists. It's dynamic and shows the joy of the ride. We had pedaled half a hundred kilometers to get to that place, and were glad to be finally close to the quarry. Make a close-up on the girl's bike, and you will see the red bud of a single rose that the boyfriend had presented her with just before the start of the ride. That day was her birthday. We used my duct tape to tie the rose to the bicycle frame, and it survived through the whole ride.


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