фото: Which one?

Peter PZ • 03-12-2005  

Описание: Dear Flickrites, your help is needed here... Since my Canon Powershot A85 was stolen (bastards! bastards!), I have now started looking for a new camera. Since both L. and I know slightly more about photography now than we did before, we need to upgrade to something closer to that "prosumer" category, i.e. that would be somewhere half-way the compacts and the pro cameras. Taking all the present situation into account (you know, we need to buy furniture and all that shit), I wouldn't want to spend more than $700. I do need it ASAP though - at least before we go away for the NY eve. So, after some research, here's what I am looking at: Canon S2 IS This one has a 12x zoom, but the slowest shutter speed is only 15 (typical for Canon) - it would be nice to have it slower for those arty night shots. Overall seems like a very good camera to me, but it only accepts SD cards as storage. That means that I won't be able to use my MP3 player to store photos (it only accepts CF) when on the road, and also I will need to buy some SD media now. Also, since this is Canon, we both will be somewhat familiar with the controls. US$560. http://www.canon.co.uk/for_home/product_finder/cameras/digital/powershot_s2_is/index.asp OR Canon G6 This one accepts CF, so storage won't be a problem. It is a 7 MP camera, which also is more than S2 IS has, but I don't really care about the megapixel value though - it's not like I will need to print any posters from photos I make. 4x optical zoom, and again the lowest shutter speed is 15. Overall seems like a great camera, however it's rated lower on asia.cnet.com than the previous one due to mediocre performance on some operations. US$586. http://www.canon.co.uk/for_home/product_finder/cameras/digital/powershot_g6/index.asp OR Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ30 Some people really like this camera, although personally I feel better about Canon as a camera brand rather than Panasonic. Anyway, the specs are pretty impressive: 8.3 MP, 12x optical zoom, shutter speed 60 (!!!) to 1/2000 AND it has Leica optics, which must mean something. It accepts CF cards. However, it's rating is lower on review sites and there are some comments about image quality suffering under some conditions more so than on the other cameras. Another thing that can be quite important is that it is pretty heavy - about 750g, which makes it more than 50% heavier than the previous two. US$657. http://www.panasonic.co.uk/digital-cameras/dmcfz30bb/index.htm I wonder, what should I do? Did anyone had any experience with any of these? Any general thoughts?


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