фото: wyoming rest stop

Robert Couse-Baker • 08-01-2020  

Описание: In the summer of 1982, somewhere in Wyoming, Patty, my long-suffering wife, changes spark plugs on our Mercury Comet. The car was reliable as an anvil in city driving. Unfortunately, sustained highway driving sent oil consumption through the roof. Spark plugs fouled with deposits in as little as 250 miles. We got very skilled at changing spark plugs on a hot engine. Starting at cylinder number one, pull the dirty plug (being careful because it’s super hot), replace it with a clean one, replace spark plug wire; repeat five more times, then check the oil. Top up as needed. Later, the dirty plugs were cleaned and gapped for their next turn in the engine. We had three sets of spark plugs in the rotation. Our 6,000 mile round trip from San Francisco to New York was otherwise uneventful.


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