фото: Collective memories VI, 12

Stanislav Lvovsky • 27-01-2024  

Описание: The term "collective memory" denotes the aggregate of memories and knowledge, that a social group holds, which is intrinsically linked to the group's identity. Maurice Halbwachs, a philosopher and sociologist, developed this concept in his 1925 work, «Les cadres sociaux de la m'emoire». Various social collectives can create, disseminate, and inherit collective memory. Contrary to the term "collective memory, the notion of "collective memories" is inherently problematic. Memories are the results of the individual acts of recollection, making the idea of "collective memories" paradoxical. Diffusion models, utilizing vast amounts of data, including historical and personal old photographs, may be seen as involved in the prompts-driven singular acts of remembrance, producing images that paradoxically represent "collective memories," something otherwise unfeasible and ultimately, non-existent.


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