en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_2_Ka-Mi The Special Type 2 Launch Ka-Mi ( Toku-ni-shiki uchibitei kami?) was the Imperial Japanese Navy's first amphibious tank. The Type 2 Ka-Mi was based on the Imperial Japanese Army's Type 95 Ha-Go light tank with major modifications, and was a capable armoured fighting vehicle on both land and at sea. History and development Type 2 Ka-Mi tanks without their flotation devices fitted As early as 1928, the Japanese Army had been developing and testing amphibious tanks and created several experimental models such as the SR-II, the Type 1 Mi-Sha and the Type 92 A-I-Go which either never made it off the drawing board or were produced only as one-off prototypes for concept testing. In 1940, The Navy took over development of amphibious vehicles and two years later came up with the Type 2 Ka-Mi. The Type 2 Ka-Mi was designed for the Navy's Special Naval Landing Forces for the amphibious invasion of Pacific Islands without adequate port facilities, and for various special operations missions. Only 184 units of the Type 2 Ka-Mi were built, beginning in 1942, due to the number of complex components and due to the fact that it had to be nearly completely hand-built. Design The Type 2 Ka-Mi was based on the Army's Type 95 Ha-Go light tank, but with an all-welded hull with rubber seals in place of the riveted armor. It was intended to be water-tight. Large, hollow pontoons made from steel plates were attached to the front glacis plate and rear decking to give the necessary buoyancy. The front pontoon was internally divided into eight separate compartments to minimize the effects of damage from flooding and shellfire. These flotation devices could be jettisoned from inside the tank once the tank landed and commenced ground combat operations. The Type 2 Ka-Mi's gun turret with a high-velocity Type 1 37 mm gun and a coaxial Type 97 light machine gun was able to rotate 360°. A second Type 97 light machine gun was located in the tank's bow. Occasionally Type 2 Ka-Mi's were armed with a pair of naval torpedoes; one on either side of the hull. The Type 2 Ka-Mi could also be launched from the deck of a submarine.[3] The Type 2 Ka-Mi was capable of attaining speeds of 10 km/h in the water with a range of 150 km through two propellers situated at the rear of the hull, powered by the tank's engine. Steering was in the control of the tank commander, who operated a pair of rudders from the turret through cables. That the crew included an onboard mechanic is an indication of the complexity of the design. Combat Record The Type 2 Ka-Mi came into active service after the initial successful campaigns of World War II, and was thus too late to be used in its original design mission of amphibious landings. Many units were assigned to naval garrison detachments in the South Pacific Mandate and in the Netherlands East Indies. The Type 2 Ka-Mi was encountered by the United States Marine Corps in the Marshall Islands and Mariana Islands, particularly on Guam, where it was dug into the ground and misused in static defense positions.It was also encountered in combat by U.S. Army forces at Aitape and Biak during the New Guinea campaign and during the fighting on the Philipine island of Leyte in late 1944.According to Ralph Zumbro in his book 'Tank Aces',several Ka-Mi were destroyed by Army LVT-1's off the coast of Leyte during history's only Amtank vs. Amtank action. A handful more were captured by Army troops on Luzon in 1945,but had not entered combat.A number of photos exist of these vehicles,as well as several others captured by Australian and Commonwealth troops.In common with most Japanese Armor,it was no match for Allied tanks or anti-armor weapons. Легкий плавающий танк, созданный с использованием некоторых узлов и агрегатов легкого танка "Ха-го". Один из наиболее удачных образцов японской разработки. Создан фирмой "Мицубиси" в 1941 г. В 1942 – 1945 гг. изготовлено 180 единиц. КОНСТРУКЦИЯ И МОДИФИКАЦИИ "Ка-ми" – корпус сварной, герметичный, коробчатой формы. Башня – сварная. конической формы, без командирской башенки. Вооружение: 37-мм пушка Тип 1 и спаренный с ней 7,7-мм пулемет Тип 97. На двух кронштейнах в кормовой части башни мог крепиться вертлюг для зенитного пулемета Тип 97. Над верхним люком-жалюзи моторного отделения устанавливался обтекаемый воздухозабор- ный короб, защищенный от брызг крышкой с отгибами. Для придания танку плавучести спереди и сзади крепились стальные понтоны, которые на берегу легко сбрасывались без выхода экипажа из машины. Движение на плаву – с помощью двух гребных винтов. ТАКТИКО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ ПЛАВАЮЩЕГО ТАНКА "Ка-ми" Тип 2 БОЕВАЯ МАССА, т: 12,5 (с понтонами), 9,57 (без понтонов). ЭКИПАЖ, чел.: 5. ГАБАРИТНЫЕ РАЗМЕРЫ, мм: длина – 4830 (с понтонами 7420), ширина – 2790, высота – 2340, клиренс – 355. ВООРУЖЕНИЕ: 1 пушка Тип 1 калибра 37 мм, 2 пулемета Тип 97 калибра 7,7 мм. БОЕКОМПЛЕКТ: 132 выстрелов, 3500 патронов. БРОНИРОВАНИЕ, мм: лоб корпуса -14, борт – 8, корма – 6, крыша и днище – 8,5, башня – 6-13,2. ДВИГАТЕЛЬ: Тип 1, 6-цилиндровый, дизельный, воздушного охлаждения; мощность 120 л.с. (87,6 кВт) при 1800 об/мин. ТРАНСМИССИЯ: редуктор, коробка передач с понижающей передачей (8 + 2) и отбором мощности на гребные винты, карданный вал, соединенный коническими шестернями с валами бортовых фрикционов, одноступенчатые бортовые редукторы. ХОДОВАЯ ЧАСТЬ; четыре сдвоенных опорных катка на борт, два поддерживающих катка, ведущее колесо переднего расположения (зацепление цевочное); подвеска – типа Хара; гусеница мелкозвенчатая, с открытым шарниром и одним гребнем, шириной 305 мм, шаг трака 84 мм, число траков – 103. СКОРОСТЬ МАКС., км/ч; по суше – 37, на плаву -10. ЗАПАС ХОДА, км: 170. СРЕДСТВА СВЯЗИ: радиостанция и ТПУ. Эта и другие достопримечательности, города, люди и просто фотографии на Картинках NofolloW.Ru">
фото: Japanese  Amphibious Tank Type 2 Ka-Mi. 1941. Японский плавающий танк Тип 2

Andrey KorchaginKubinka • 04-07-2009  

Описание: Kubinka Tank Museum. Танковый музей в Кубинке. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_2_Ka-Mi The Special Type 2 Launch Ka-Mi ( Toku-ni-shiki uchibitei kami?) was the Imperial Japanese Navy's first amphibious tank. The Type 2 Ka-Mi was based on the Imperial Japanese Army's Type 95 Ha-Go light tank with major modifications, and was a capable armoured fighting vehicle on both land and at sea. History and development Type 2 Ka-Mi tanks without their flotation devices fitted As early as 1928, the Japanese Army had been developing and testing amphibious tanks and created several experimental models such as the SR-II, the Type 1 Mi-Sha and the Type 92 A-I-Go which either never made it off the drawing board or were produced only as one-off prototypes for concept testing. In 1940, The Navy took over development of amphibious vehicles and two years later came up with the Type 2 Ka-Mi. The Type 2 Ka-Mi was designed for the Navy's Special Naval Landing Forces for the amphibious invasion of Pacific Islands without adequate port facilities, and for various special operations missions. Only 184 units of the Type 2 Ka-Mi were built, beginning in 1942, due to the number of complex components and due to the fact that it had to be nearly completely hand-built. Design The Type 2 Ka-Mi was based on the Army's Type 95 Ha-Go light tank, but with an all-welded hull with rubber seals in place of the riveted armor. It was intended to be water-tight. Large, hollow pontoons made from steel plates were attached to the front glacis plate and rear decking to give the necessary buoyancy. The front pontoon was internally divided into eight separate compartments to minimize the effects of damage from flooding and shellfire. These flotation devices could be jettisoned from inside the tank once the tank landed and commenced ground combat operations. The Type 2 Ka-Mi's gun turret with a high-velocity Type 1 37 mm gun and a coaxial Type 97 light machine gun was able to rotate 360°. A second Type 97 light machine gun was located in the tank's bow. Occasionally Type 2 Ka-Mi's were armed with a pair of naval torpedoes; one on either side of the hull. The Type 2 Ka-Mi could also be launched from the deck of a submarine.[3] The Type 2 Ka-Mi was capable of attaining speeds of 10 km/h in the water with a range of 150 km through two propellers situated at the rear of the hull, powered by the tank's engine. Steering was in the control of the tank commander, who operated a pair of rudders from the turret through cables. That the crew included an onboard mechanic is an indication of the complexity of the design. Combat Record The Type 2 Ka-Mi came into active service after the initial successful campaigns of World War II, and was thus too late to be used in its original design mission of amphibious landings. Many units were assigned to naval garrison detachments in the South Pacific Mandate and in the Netherlands East Indies. The Type 2 Ka-Mi was encountered by the United States Marine Corps in the Marshall Islands and Mariana Islands, particularly on Guam, where it was dug into the ground and misused in static defense positions.It was also encountered in combat by U.S. Army forces at Aitape and Biak during the New Guinea campaign and during the fighting on the Philipine island of Leyte in late 1944.According to Ralph Zumbro in his book 'Tank Aces',several Ka-Mi were destroyed by Army LVT-1's off the coast of Leyte during history's only Amtank vs. Amtank action. A handful more were captured by Army troops on Luzon in 1945,but had not entered combat.A number of photos exist of these vehicles,as well as several others captured by Australian and Commonwealth troops.In common with most Japanese Armor,it was no match for Allied tanks or anti-armor weapons. Легкий плавающий танк, созданный с использованием некоторых узлов и агрегатов легкого танка "Ха-го". Один из наиболее удачных образцов японской разработки. Создан фирмой "Мицубиси" в 1941 г. В 1942 – 1945 гг. изготовлено 180 единиц. КОНСТРУКЦИЯ И МОДИФИКАЦИИ "Ка-ми" – корпус сварной, герметичный, коробчатой формы. Башня – сварная. конической формы, без командирской башенки. Вооружение: 37-мм пушка Тип 1 и спаренный с ней 7,7-мм пулемет Тип 97. На двух кронштейнах в кормовой части башни мог крепиться вертлюг для зенитного пулемета Тип 97. Над верхним люком-жалюзи моторного отделения устанавливался обтекаемый воздухозабор- ный короб, защищенный от брызг крышкой с отгибами. Для придания танку плавучести спереди и сзади крепились стальные понтоны, которые на берегу легко сбрасывались без выхода экипажа из машины. Движение на плаву – с помощью двух гребных винтов. ТАКТИКО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ ПЛАВАЮЩЕГО ТАНКА "Ка-ми" Тип 2 БОЕВАЯ МАССА, т: 12,5 (с понтонами), 9,57 (без понтонов). ЭКИПАЖ, чел.: 5. ГАБАРИТНЫЕ РАЗМЕРЫ, мм: длина – 4830 (с понтонами 7420), ширина – 2790, высота – 2340, клиренс – 355. ВООРУЖЕНИЕ: 1 пушка Тип 1 калибра 37 мм, 2 пулемета Тип 97 калибра 7,7 мм. БОЕКОМПЛЕКТ: 132 выстрелов, 3500 патронов. БРОНИРОВАНИЕ, мм: лоб корпуса -14, борт – 8, корма – 6, крыша и днище – 8,5, башня – 6-13,2. ДВИГАТЕЛЬ: Тип 1, 6-цилиндровый, дизельный, воздушного охлаждения; мощность 120 л.с. (87,6 кВт) при 1800 об/мин. ТРАНСМИССИЯ: редуктор, коробка передач с понижающей передачей (8 + 2) и отбором мощности на гребные винты, карданный вал, соединенный коническими шестернями с валами бортовых фрикционов, одноступенчатые бортовые редукторы. ХОДОВАЯ ЧАСТЬ; четыре сдвоенных опорных катка на борт, два поддерживающих катка, ведущее колесо переднего расположения (зацепление цевочное); подвеска – типа Хара; гусеница мелкозвенчатая, с открытым шарниром и одним гребнем, шириной 305 мм, шаг трака 84 мм, число траков – 103. СКОРОСТЬ МАКС., км/ч; по суше – 37, на плаву -10. ЗАПАС ХОДА, км: 170. СРЕДСТВА СВЯЗИ: радиостанция и ТПУ.


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