фото: Puck Magazine - McKinley provides cheap bikes (detail)

Michael Neubert • 19-04-2017  

Описание: Title-He did it all / F. Opper. From Puck Magazine Summary-Print shows a vignette cartoon with President McKinley standing at center holding a hat labeled "Inexhaustible Prosperity Hat" and a magic wand, behind him are "Joshua" and "Moses" who has beams of light emanating from his forehead; surrounding McKinley are vignettes showing the wonderful tricks he has managed to conjur since taking office, these include friendly relations between the "Prince of Wales" and "rich Americans", the "Klondike boom" gold rush in the Klondike River Valley, Yukon, an "alliance between France and Russia", the decrease in the cost of bicycles bringing them into the price range of mostly everyone, and a good year for farm produce and high wheat prices which are a boom to the farmer. Contributor Names-Opper, Frederick Burr, 1857-1937, artist Created / Published-N.Y. : Published by Keppler & Schwarzmann, 1897 October 6. www.loc.gov/resource/ppmsca.28742/


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