фото: Lago Mono (California). Mono Lake (19-06-2024)

Miguel MasegosaMono City • 26-07-2024  

Описание: Satellite: Sentinel-2. Visualization RGB: bands 4 (red), 3 (green), 2 (blue). True color. La imagen tiene 58 km de ancho (aprox.) El lago Mono (del ingl'es: Mono Lake) es un lago estadounidense grande y poco profundo, de soda salina que se localiza en el condado de Mono, en el estado de California, a pocos kil'ometros de la frontera con Nevada. Se form'o hace al menos 760 000 a~nos atr'as como lago terminal de una cuenca endorreica (que no tiene salida al mar). La ausencia de emisarios provoca el alto nivel de sales que se acumulan en el lago. Estas sales tambi'en hacen que el agua del lago sea alcalina. Tiene adem'as altos niveles de ars'enico. (es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lago_Mono) Located at the eastern edge of California, between the arid Great Basin and the snowy Sierra Nevada, Mono Lake is an ancient saline lake that covers over 70 square miles and supports a unique and productive ecosystem. The lake has trillions of brine shrimp and alkali flies, millions of birds, and freshwater tributary streams. Along the lakeshore, scenic limestone formations known as tufa towers rise from the water’s surface. Humans have called the Mono Basin home for thousands of years. The Kutzadika’a Paiute are this land’s native people and original stewards. In the mid-1800s prospectors and pioneers arrived to make a living from the bedrock and soil. The battle to save Mono Lake from excessive water diversions to Los Angeles began in the last century and continues on. (www.monolake.org/learn/aboutmonolake/)


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