фото: Lago Sariqamish (Sarygamysh Lake) (01-01-2024), Turkmenist'an, Uzbekist'an

Miguel MasegosaImeni Molotova • 16-06-2024  

Описание: Satellite: Sentinel-2. Visualization RGB: bands 4 (red), 3 (green), 2 (blue). True color. La imagen tiene 197 km de ancho (aprox.) El lago Sariqamish es un lago endorreico de escasa profundidad situado en Asia Central, al norte de Turkmenist'an. La mayor parte de su superficie pertenece pol'iticamente a Turkmenist'an, mientras que su cuarta parte septentrional pertenece a Uzbekist'an. Se encuentra localizado geogr'aficamente en la depresi'on del Tur'an, a medio camino entre el golfo de Kara Bogaz Gol del mar Caspio y las orillas del mar de Aral. Aunque la imagen muestra el lago relleno de agua en el momento en que fue tomada, algunos mapas suelen reflejarlo como una simple cuenca seca; debido a la aridez de la regi'on circundante, el lago sufre importantes oscilaciones en su nivel a lo largo del tiempo debido al alto 'indice de evaporaci'on que experimenta. (es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lago_Sariqamish) The Sarygamysh Lake, also Sarykamysh or Sary-Kamysh (Turkmen: Sarygamys k"oli, Uzbek: Sariqamish ko‘li, Karakalpak: Sariqamis k'oli, Russian: Сарыкамышское озеро), is a lake in Central Asia. It is about midway between the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea. It is the largest lake in Turkmenistan, in which three quarters of the entire lake's area is located (a quarter of the area falls on Uzbekistan[3]). The Sarykamysh basin and the Sarykamysh delta of the Amu Darya river are physical and geographical nature regions of the Dashoguz Region of Turkmenistan. Up until the 17th century, the lake was fed by the Uzboy River, a distributary of the Amu Darya River, which continued on to the Caspian Sea. Today, its main source of water is a canal from the Amu Darya but also the runoff water from surrounding irrigated lands, containing high levels of pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarygamysh_Lake#References)


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