фото: Cordillera Kopet Dag y zona agr'icola en Turkmenist'an (02-04-2024)

Miguel Masegosa'Yaslyk • 11-05-2024  

Описание: Satellite: Sentinel-2. Visualization RGB: bands 4 (red), 3 (green), 2 (blue). True color. La imagen tiene 58 km de ancho (aprox.) La cordillera Kopet Dag, tambi'en Kopetdag o Kopetdagh (del farsi: ) est'a situada en el suroeste de Asia Central, al este del mar Caspio. Se extiende 650 km a lo largo de la frontera entre Turkmenist'an e Ir'an. El pico m'as alto, del lado iran'i, alcanza los 3.191 metros. (es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopet_Dag) En la imagen, buena parte de la esquina inferior izquierda (SW) es territorio iran'i. A pocos kil'ometros al noroeste (NW) de la imagen se encuentra Asjabad (Ashgabat), capital de Turkmenist'an. Geologically, the Kopet Dag Range is made chiefly of Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks with a smaller portion of Jurassic rocks in the southeastern parts. The mountains were formed in the Miocene and the Pliocene during the Alpine orogeny. As the Tethys Sea was closed and the Arabian Plate collided with the Iranian Plate and was pushed against it and with the clockwise movement of the Eurasian Plate towards the Iranian Plate and their final collision, the Iranian Plate was pressed against the Turan Platform. This collision folded the entire rocks that had been deposited in this geosyncline or basin from the Jurassic to the Miocene and formed the Kopet Dag Mountains. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopet_Dag)


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