фото: Lut Desert Lake, Iran (Ir'an) (22-02-2024)

Miguel MasegosaShahrestan-e Kerman • 04-04-2024  

Описание: Satellite: Sentinel-2. Visualization RGB: bands 4 (red), 3 (green), 2 (blue). True color. La imagen tiene 56 km de ancho (aprox.) The lake is the white shape in the northwest above the image. This color is probably due to the precipitation of the salt due to the great evaporation Sometimes, tourists are surprised by the emergence of a lake in the heart of the Lut Desert which is called the “Young Lake”. The Incredible Ecosystem It has become one of the most popular tourist destinations. This year’s spring flood created a beautiful lake in the middle of the Lut Desert, which is the world’s hottest spot. The newborn lake in the vicinity of the Kalut has a different tourist attraction along with other unique beauties of its desert. The Lut Desert, or Dasht-e-Lut, is located in the south-east of the country. Between June and October, this arid subtropical area is swept by strong winds, which transport sediment and cause aeolian erosion on a colossal scale. Consequently, the site presents some of the most spectacular examples of aeolian yardang landforms (massive corrugated ridges). It also contains extensive stony deserts and dune fields. The property represents an exceptional example of ongoing geological processes. (whc.unesco.org/en/list/1505/) Measurements of MODIS (Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) installed on NASA’s Aqua satellite from 2003 to 2010 testify that the hottest land surface on Earth is located in Lut Desert. Land surface temperatures reach 70.7 °C (159.3 °F) in this place, though the air temperature is cooler. (ifpnews.com/lut-desert-inscribed-world-heritage-list-iran...) El lago es la mancha blanca al Noroeste de la imagen. Este color se debe, probablemente a la precipitaci'on de la sal debido a la gran evaporaci'on Situado al sudeste del pa'is, el desierto de Lut (“Dasht-e-Lut”) es una zona subtropical h'umeda azotada entre junio y septiembre por vientos de gran fuerza que transportan sedimentos y provocan una erosi'on e'olica de proporciones colosales. En este sitio se pueden observar algunos de los m'as espectaculares relieves e'olicos formados por crestas onduladas masivas (“yardangs”), as'i como vastos desiertos de piedra y un campo de dunas, que constituyen en su conjunto un ejemplo excepcional de procesos geol'ogicos en curso de evoluci'on. (whc.unesco.org/es/list/1505) Las mediciones del MODIS (espectrorradi'ometro de im'agenes de resoluci'on moderada) instalado en el sat'elite Aqua de la NASA entre 2003 y 2010 atestiguan que la superficie terrestre m'as caliente de la Tierra se encuentra en el desierto de Lut. Las temperaturas de la superficie terrestre alcanzan los 70,7 °C (159,3 °F) en este lugar, aunque la temperatura del aire es m'as fr'ia. (ifpnews.com/lut-desert-inscribed-world-heritage-list-iran...)


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