Îïèñàíèå: The Zenit 11 is a solidly-built camera with essentially the same Leica type cloth shutter as earlier Soviet rangefinder and SLR cameras. It has an external selenium meter mounted on the prism front above the lens. The meter isn't coupled to the camera. The Zenit uses the M42 Pentax screw-mount lens which means there is a variety of lenses from all over the world that will fit it. Partially depressing the shutter release stops down the lens. Additional pressure releases the shutter. The KMZ and MMZ (BelOMO) manufactured Zenit 11 (Çåíèò 11) 35mm SLR was a member of the Zenit E family derived from the Zenit ET but with different control placement and generally in all black but examples with chrome tops are known. Examples were produced with several strap lug variations and with the Zenit name in either Latin or Cyrillic script. It was produced from 1981 through 1990. Technical information Producer: KMZ/BeLomo Frame size: 24x36mm Shutter speed: 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500 and Bulb mode. Normally equipped with automatic aperture. Meter: Uncoupled selenium meter above the lens mount. Lens mount: M42. Lens: Helios-44-2 2/58. The Helios 44... is the standard, fast, 58mm lens typically found as the kit prime on the Zenit-series russian SLRs. There are numerous variants available, some of which include multicoated lens elements. And they were made in more than one factory. KMZ was probably the most prolific producer, the one in the pic however has the Valdai logo. 49mm filter thread. 8 diaphragm blades. F/2-16 max-min aperture. 45cm minimum focusing distance. Focuses down to 0.5m and has a mag ratio of 1:6.5 at closest focus point. Takes 52mm filters. Helios-44 is a series of standard lenses for SLR cameras, produced in Soviet Union by KMZ, MMZ, Jupiter from 1958 till 1992 (2001) and it is considered to be one of most mass produced lenses in the world. Based on the lens Biotar 2 / 58 , at the beginning was called "ÁÒÊ" - "ÁèîÒàð Êðàñíîãîðñêèé" (BioTar Krasnogorski). A fast 6-element anastigmat, it was available in both single-coated and multi-coated versions.
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