Îïèñàíèå: The Church of the Epiphany of the Lord is one of the most famous monuments of architecture and painting of the XVII century. in Yaroslavl. It was built in 1684-1693. at the expense of the Yaroslavl merchant Alexei Zubchaninov. The main throne of the temple is dedicated to the twelfth feast of the Epiphany or Baptism of the Lord. This is one of the first pillarless churches of Yaroslavl with a closed four-part arch, forming a spacious bright room for worshipers, illuminated by nine huge windows. In its architectural composition, the influence of Moscow architecture of that period is felt Initially, the Church was located on the site of the Posadsky courtyards. In the XVI century. this place was given to the Spassky monastery. He set up a wooden temple and a horse yard here, and in the XVII century. after the Time of Troubles, he settled here servants and dependent people. SThis is how the Epiphany settlement was created.
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