Îïèñàíèå: Church of the Saviour on the city (the other is the Church of the Transfiguration on the city; the Church of origin Fair Drev Cross that on the city) is a church in the historic center of Yaroslavl in the Kotoroslnoj Quay. Located at the border of the city by the Chopped descent to a low Bank of Kotorosl. It is known that the temple there was a wooden church of the Transfiguration "even in times of Yaroslavl specific princes», i. e. before the year 1463. The Church was a parish and was located on "city of the size of the" why and got the name "the Saviour on a sustainable city". In 1978-1981 years the temple was renovated by the forces of JaSNPRM. Fully restored facades of the main volume, the north aisle and the Bell Tower. Hoisted gilt crosses. Eliminated the most dangerous cracks and potholes. In 1991-1993 years conducted repeated repair work. In July 2003 the year Temple passed Yaroslavl diocese. Abbot (2003 year)-ieromonah Sergy (Drums), obedience to the first Pro-Rector of the Yaroslavl Theological Seminary.
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