Îïèñàíèå: (The only monument to taste in Russia.) It is a spoon with an olive on a pedestal framed by kitchen appliances. An unusual monument appeared in 2003 on the initiative of the Nizhny Novgorod oil and fat plant. Oddly enough, the place of installation was chosen square at the faculty of Philology of the University. Lobachevsky. Not only professional architects and blacksmiths, but also visitors of the traditional Nizhny Novgorod fair took part in the creation of the three-meter monument, which also weighs three tons. To do this, they needed to place their own spoon in one of nine special cylinders. For this, they received personal certificates that they are the" builders " of the monument. Subsequently, the top of the pedestal was crowned with a huge spoon with a green olive. And then the monument was completely transformed - spoons were replaced with various kitchen appliances. Thus, the sculpture became the personification of a variety of human tastes and preferences.
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