Îïèñàíèå: The Labour Square & the Chapel in the name of Saint Ekaterina ______________________ In the very beginning of its existence, the square was named Ekaterinenskaya because the first and the most honored temple of the city — the Ekaterinenskiy Cathedral — was located here. In 1930, the Cathedral was closed, and then demolished, and its cast-iron slabs were laid on the floor of the cast-iron workshop of the Uralmash factory being constructed. In 1991, the first cross appeared on the square identifying the place of the former Ekaterinenskiy Cathedral. A few years later, in 1991, the cross was moved next to the place where the demolished cathedral had been located, in 1998 the Chapel of Saint Ekaterina was was constructed. In 2003, a capsule containing dirt from the burial site of the Ekaterinburg’s founder Vasiliy Tatishchev was placed inside the chapel. The House of Council, another eminent building on the square, is known because this is where the first president of the Russian Federation, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, began his political career
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