фото: Synodal Cathedral of the Icon of Our Lady of the Sign (ROCOR, NY)

Maxim MassalitinNew York • 28-09-2005  

Описание: Знаменский собор Русской Зарубежной Церкви в Нью-Йорке. Лития перед гробом с останками Антона Ивановича Деникина. "World War I : By the outbreak of World War I in August 1914 Denikin was a Chief of staff of the Kiev Military District. He was initially appointed Quartermaster of General Brusilov's 8th Army. Not one for staff service, Denikin petitioned for an appointment to a fighting front. He was transferred to the 4th Rifle Brigade. His brigade was transformed into a division in 1915. It was with this brigade Denikin would accomplish his greatest feats as a General. In 1916 he was appointed to command the Russian VIII Corps and lead troops in Romania during the last successful Russian campaign of the war, the Brusilov Offensive. Following the February Revolution and the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II, he became Chief of Staff to Mikhail Alekseev, then Aleksei Brusilov, and finally Lavr Kornilov. Denikin supported the attempted coup of his commander, the Kornilov Affair, in September 1917 and was arrested and imprisoned with him. After this Alekseev would be reappointed commander-in-Chief." "General Denikin was buried with military honors in Detroit. His remains were later transferred to St. Vladimir's Cemetery in Jackson, New Jersey. His wife, Xenia Vasilievna Chizh, was buried at Saint Genevieve de Bois cemetery near Paris. More recently: "On October 3, 2005, in accordance with the wishes of his daughter Marina Denikina and by authority of President Vladimir Putin of Russia, General Denikin's remains were transferred from the United States and buried at the Donskoy Monastery in Moscow."


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