фото: Ponti di Pace Bologna 2018

Francesco Pierantoni • 14-10-2018  

Описание: 32° incontro internazionale per la pace tenutosi a Bologna32° incontro internazionale per la pace tenutosi a Bologna This year, the city of Bologna will be staging the 32nd meeting in the Spirit of Assisi, started by St John Paul II in 1986 and continued by the Community of Sant’Egidio. From 14th to 16th October representative of different culture, faith and religions will be joining together to build “Bridges of Peace”. Among the important personalities participating in the event: Ahmad Muhammad Al-Tayyeb, Great Imam of Al-Azhar - who will also receive the Sigillum Magnum from the University of Bologna Bernice King, Baptist Minister and daughter of Martin Luther King Haim Korsia, Chief Rabbi of France Romano Prodi, former President of the European Commission Liliana Segre, Senator of the Italian Government Manuel Castells, Sociologist Orlando Beltran Quevedo, Archbishop of Cotabato - Philippines The Archbishop of Bologna Matteo Zuppi, at the press conference introducing the event, he said: a city like Bologna that holds within its own chromosomes the one of welcome, encounter, freedom and respect for others is very pleased to warmly welcome this pilgrimage. www.santegidio.org/pageID/30284/langID/en/itemID/26564/Br...


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